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Don't miss this amazing opportunity-  50% off and instant access to The Art of Being Paid to Exist The Masterclass

Special one-time offer, $111 at purchase only. 
Normally $222
How to build a business where you are simply being paid to exist. Your continuous evolution is the reason you are continuously paid.

You transcend the mundane of being paid exclusively for a skillset. You transcend the boredom of receiving clients from a place of your skillset matches their "problem."

You are paid to be yourself - the easiest and most soul satisfying way to make bank.

You will not look at business and how you show up in business the same after this masterclass.

Welcome to the world of online business where *you* are the niche and your skillset supports you, but does not define you.

The clients who come into your world are soul family. 

People pay you to be you. 

 The frequency is - TOTAL LIBERATION.

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How to have the easiest $10k months of your life on repeat 
  • Total payment

All prices in USD

My first $13k cash month was in the first 60 days in business

The first $17k cash month a few months after 

The first $30k cash month in month 6

And now the business has scaled near $3M cash since 2020 

I know a thing or two about making big soul aligned 

Inside The $10k Month Method Masterclass I meet you where you are in business, and show you how. 

This masterclass is dialed in on the feminine strategies and energetics that make continuous $10k months a breeze 

+ The types of offers (your business structure/offer strategy) to have and why so your audience says YES PLEASE, and $10k months are easy

+ Pricing strategy to set yourself up for success 

+ How to focus your content to get out of friend zone and into well paid authority zone for fast conversion 

+ Effortless selling 

+ Your frequency so you are the magnetic, sure place money and clients love to land  

Instant Lifetime access 
