Master the art of easeful feminine sales— the space where business smarts meets magic

Through the unseen sales energetics that captivate ready to buy clients, and attraction based strategies built for the receiving woman in today's buying market — you sell out every offer in your company at every price point

No complex launches, sales calls, or feeling pressure to show up on social media 24/7 to make money 

 Even with a small audience, and no matter whether you're new to business or seasoned, you exponentially catapult your income with soulmate clients sliding through the doors to your party on repeat 

Hi gorgeous!

Welcome to my corner of the internet where we bring the thrill to leaned back sales and arm you with elite strategies and alluring energetics to catapult payments on your offers that launch, those that don’t, and every style and price point of container in your company  

I know you feel long overdue to exponentially increase your sales, and I'm here to show you how to receive take your breath away results, while feeling chill and in flow

Imagine timeline hopping into this feminine business reality

Morning to night payment notifications are the new normal —  you're not even surprised as you see them come in 

An overflow of soul aligned humans saying YES to every offer in your company

You're incredibly well skilled at increasing sales so you no longer stress about if you'll reach the the numbers you've been aiming for — you know you will and you do 

An enormous flood of existing and new clients coming in - not just the same repeat buyers who are always in

Sales are the highest they've ever been and you're able to sigh with relief and feel fully secure knowing you've got the feminine sales strategies and energetics of ease that create sustainable, repeatable, works every time results on lock 

Let me guess what brings you here queen...

  • You were told to make more money you need to sell more — so you post, put up stories, send emails, show up face to cam, go live — you’re consistent, but it's not exponentially increasing your income


  •  You love what you do and have a strong work ethic, but you don’t want to spend your entire day online to make more money. The whole point of this business was yes to impact the world, and also to live free without overthinking about if you’ve “shown up” enough today

  •  You know your work is genius, you embody everything you teach, your clients receive powerful results, but you’re frustrated knowing how many people you could help, but the sales aren’t popping like popcorn - not the way they could be 

  • You keep capping out at the same number of humans in your offers

  • When you feel high vibe your payments flow, but if that energy dips your sales do too so you feel pressure to be “on” all the time

  • Pre-sale, early bird, and full price have not been enough to double your monthly numbers

  • Rinse and repeat of the same strategies that got you here have not resulted in doubling your cash flow for where you're going 

  • “Holding the energy” is not working consistently to drive your bottom line

I get the frustration, and as someone with very little interest in anything inefficient or feeling tired in a company I created 

I'm here to tell you there's a better way to do business as a woman
The Enchanted Sales way where you get smart once, make millions on repeat, and say goodbye to pushing yourself harder as the "strategy" to make more money

Say hello to stacking cash like extraordinarily relaxed and abundant one with reliable strategies and magnetic energetics that work for you and how you like to do business 


You’re sold out as standard, paid every day, experiencing velocity with money - as your norm 

 You’re no longer stressed flowing between selling masterclasses, programs, masterminds, memberships or private — you have the skillset to sell them all out with ease 


You know how to turn a “slow launch” around, and how to ignite and maintain momentum while you sell without needing to call on more energy 

 You feel fully prepared and in control of your sales armed with the smart, creative solutions that graduate you from price increases, being live 24/7, launching around the clock, and shouting that doors are closing in two days to "get" people to buy 

 You’re no longer dreaming about, but living inside the version of your business where making money daily is the norm  

 And best of all for your feminine being, you feel relaxed while you move 

What's included to tip your sales into overflow without pushing yourself to the limit or wondering what will work best? 

️ The unseen energetics of sales that captivate ready to buy clients and make money daily 

️ How to sell to new purchasers and clients who have already bought from you without doubling your hustle

️ How to sell out every offer type  in your world - Masterclasses, programs, masterminds, private, memberships — you name it, I've got you

️ How to sell out offers that are evergreen or open enrollment vs those that move through a launch cycle

️ How to ensure a Sales Ecosystem in your company where each offer is designed to sell the next so your clients take themselves on the journey and your sales multiply with ease

️ Selling to different types of buyers - this one is *big* as not everyone buys like you do, or like the clients who already say yes to you

️ Filling and sustainably running memberships

️ Feminine funnels for effortless conversions and money coming in while you sleep

️ Knowing what levers to pull and when to create and maintain momentum during *all* phases of your launches

️ Mastering upsells and downsells at checkout to create a "buying frenzy" so rather than someone desiring to buy one product from you, they are excited to buy 3-5 before checkout has completed 

️ Highly converting sales pages for low, mid and hight ticket offers that do the heavy lifting for you so showing up on social media 24/7 is no longer required  

️ How to sell fool proof through your lives and free masterclasses while also serving highly valuable content 

️ Strengthening your skillset for selling when you're not “excited” or an offer is not “new” anymore so that enrollments continue to pop

What my clients are saying...

"I was struggling calling in abundance and reached a plateau. My work with Jocelyn has been unparalleled to anyone I’ve worked with.The results I saw were incredible. I was able to exceed my financial goal of $20,000 a month. I earned $25,000. That is so much attributed to the consistent work I do with Jocelyn and her faith in me when I didn’t see it myself. I am so honored to share my experience - it’s quite miraculous."

- Nkechi, Mindfulness & Meditation Guide  

"I went from $5k months to the first $40k month, closed a $130k contract, and two $30k ones as well. Jocelyn is the right mix of the practical and magic that will help you soar and set your business on fire!”

- Abenaa , Business Consultant

"I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that if I didn't have the accountability with Jocelyn, I never would have successfully created and launched my coaching business. I went from making zero dollars (literally, for months), to having my first ever $30K month!"

- Knoxy, Photographer & Success Coach

"Working with Jocelyn I went from making some money, not making money, to some money and now I’m already making $8,500/mo and have 50 women signed up for my membership! Before I thought business was supposed to be hard, but now I don’t feel this way anymore."

- Kat, Fitness Coach 

Inside this premium sales program, I share the attraction based feminine sales strategies and captivating sales energetics behind 

5 figure sales popping on repeat — no questions in the DMs asked 

$100k in the first week selling my mastermind 

 Immediately selling volume into my low and mid ticket memberships

 Increasing mid ticket ($1,1111 - $3,333) program enrollments by up to 60% 


 Doubling *paid* masterclass sign ups to surpass 100 per masterclass 

 Selling with ease at every price point from $33 to $50k in the company 

Making millions since 2020 with a small audience

And I support you in tailoring the options available to your company

I've personally helped hundreds of women skyrocket their sales, and I can't wait to help you too 

What's Included:

Lifetime access to the program on the membership site plus all future additions and Q&A rounds

LIVE Teaching Calls, Pre Recorded Trainings and Implementation Guides over 4 - 6 weeks 

2 x LIVE Q&A Calls where you are able to submit questions in advance

Inclusion in all future rounds and Q&A Calls

  What you can count on 

After Enchanted Sales you are fully confident selling out every offer in your company on repeat 

You have a leaned back feminine sales system based on how people buy in today's market, that also supports your energy and an overflow of continuous sales

No sales calls, complex launches, living on Instagram stories, overthinking or burning out

You never become the "feminine" CEO relying on the strategy of "being in the energy" 24/7 resulting in running on fumes, burning your business to the ground at some stage

Or on a rollercoaster of financial highs, lows, and plateaus due to lack of strong, repeatable, sustainable works likes clockwork strategies and sales energetics that land the money flow while bringing ease to your nervous system  

You'll be equipped to fly high to the top — where you belong — while feeling like a mill in your company 


SAVE $1,334 when you enroll today (60% OFF) for a limited time 

with your first payment of only $111


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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    PIF ($888)$888.00
  • Preferred option
    PP1 ($444 x 2 MONTHLY) 2x $444.00
  • Preferred option
    PP2 ($222 x 4 MONTHLY)4x $222.00
  • Preferred option
    PP3 ($111 x 8 BI WEEKLY PAYMENTS) 8x $111.00


For only $44 $22 stay tapped into the frequency of the feminine exhale for wealth expansion and receiving
The AM/PM Daily Wealth Reset is a series of meditative activations taken from the content library of my signature mastermind Feminine Magic & Money

Inside You'll Find:
An introduction to ground you into the space

For the morning:
Morning Dream Life & Big Money Activation

For the evening:
The Frequency of the Easy River Guided Journey

It is such an honor to share these with you!

Instant Lifetime access.

Expect money and manifestation miracles

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment

All prices in USD

Disclaimer: We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success and that the results we reference are not typical or average for all purchasers. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation, and work ethic. All sales are final