The 7 day immersion where manifestation is tailored and personalized to you

Through the MANIFEST Method you master your unique manifestation blueprint to finally co create the reality that turns you on — without confusion or delay 

Hi Queen! 

Let me guess what brings you here 

You've learned mainstream manifestation

The Law Of Attraction 

Ask and Receive 

Visualize What You Want and It's Yours 

Think Positive and Positive Things Happen 

These methods are not working like clockwork, and it's time to turn your manifestation game up to a 10 continuously 


So more money, more fun, more love, more home, more life can simply be a given 

You’re not manifesting inconsistently because you’re bad at manifestation or because you’re not doing enough affirmations, spiritual practices, or thinking enough positive thoughts  

 The reason your results are inconsistent is that mainstream manifestation only focuses on the "tipping point"— the final push after energetic momentum is already in place, before your desire materializes

 After mentoring hundreds of women, I’ve seen how deeply personal the manifestation journey truly is

The unconscious patterns to dissolve, the actions to take or avoid, and the energetics that drive manifestation in this given moment are unique to you

 This is why every story you hear about someone manifesting more money, love, or their dream home has different nuances

What works for someone else does not automatically work for you

The actions, patterns, and energetics that are effective for one person are often completely different for another

Manifestation is not surface—level, nor is it complex or hard, but it is personal 

Which is why consistent manifestation is rooted in mastering the process that occurs before the tipping point through the lens of your unique manifestation blueprint 

Through mastering yourself

You consistently receive what you want 

Inside MANIFEST you learn the 3 pillars of the MANIFEST Method to master your Unique Manifestation Blueprint 

The Energetics of Rapid Manifestation: Learn how to speed up your current manifestations through your personal energetics, even in areas that have felt "slow" to move 

 Uncover & Dissolve Unconscious Patterns: Identify the patterns that keep you looping on the same results and how to quickly dissolve them to receive your desires with ease 

 Personalized Action Strategy: Understand which actions accelerate your manifestation timeline, which to avoid and why, all based on your unique patterns and energetics

What happens once you go beyond "mainstream manifestation" and master the MANIFEST Method 

"Since working with Jocelyn, I have seen amazing results in my business and in my life. I had hit an invisible income ceiling and knew a paradigm shift was necessary to breakthrough. Jocelyn's work inspires you to unpeel, unravel, and unveil your true self. I am now on target for my first $2M year. If you want more out of your life and business, I highly recommend that you run, not walk, into Jocelyn's energy."

- Juanita, Behaviorial Optometrist 

”Making money has never felt easier. I called in $20k in days by working with my own energy and the energy of the Universe. My life has transformed in ways I couldn't have imagined. Jocelyn is so gifted and deeply intuitive; having her support in real-time as I was experiencing shifts and new challenges was priceless. I am forever grateful for this magical, life-changing experience."

- Ruby , Akashic Channel

"Working with Jocelyn is so insanely magnificent to ALL areas. I have learned how to harness my manifestations, have called in $22,000 in miracle money, closed my first $12k client pay in full, connected with the goddesses who guide me in such a potent way, have fully acknowledged and trust my psychic gifts. 

Every woman needs to learn these tools to harness deeper knowing, more innate wisdom, connect to the divine and expand beyond anything you thought you were meant for!"

- Dahlya, Brain Mastery Specialist & Intuitive Healer
After 7 days you'll have crystal clear clarity on

  Why certain manifestations have felt slow to materialize

Exactly what to do (nor not do) to speed up receiving specifically for you

How to manifest every desire you have now and in the future without overwhelm 

What's Included:

  7 Days of Actionable Audio Trainings and Exact Implementation Steps to catapult your manifestations forward

BONUS: Unique Manifestation Blueprint Guide: to capture how to optimize your personal patterns, energetics and action strategy as you move through the course —  to use any time you desire a manifestation to come through or to increase overall magnetism 

 Instant Lifetime access


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AM/PM - WEALTH RESET MEDITATION SERIES - 50% off at purchase only 

For only $44 $22 stay tapped into the frequency of the feminine exhale for wealth expansion and receiving
The AM/PM Daily Wealth Reset is a series of meditative activations taken from the content library of my signature mastermind Feminine Magic & Money

Inside You'll Find:
An introduction to ground you into the space

For the morning:
Morning Dream Life & Big Money Activation

For the evening:
The Frequency of the Easy River Guided Journey

It is such an honor to share these with you!

Instant Lifetime access.

Expect money and manifestation miracles

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xMANIFEST$333

All prices in USD

Disclaimer: We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success and that the results we reference are not typical or average for all purchasers. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation, and work ethic. All sales are final